A petition that you can print

The following petition on the treaty crisis may be printed, filled with signatures, and sent to each of your two senators. Each sheet has space for ten signatures. Please follow the instructions below, as there are two different ways you can download and print out this petition.

Click this link if you have Microsoft Word installed:

Once you have opened this document, you will need to edit the line which reads "To the Hon. [senator's-name-here]" to insert the name of your own senator. Note that the mailing address for all senators is the same:

[senator's-name], U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510

Click this link if you do not have Microsoft Word:

This "PDF" document cannot be edited, so we have left out the line that addresses the senator. You can use the petition as is, or you can hand-write or type the following line directly beneath the bold "A president cannot lawfully..." headline:

To the Hon. [senator's-name-here] , U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510

(This document is in Adobe PDF format. If this link doesn't work, you can install Acrobat Reader for free.)

See the article "Bush must not scrap treaties..." for the names and titles of senators who head pertinent committees or subcommittees.

When sending a petition to a senator, it is best to only include signatures belonging to residents of his or her state.

If you plan to send petitions to both of your senators, have the signer sign both petitions.

Here are some fine points:

Either hand-printing or legible script is acceptable. Any resident of the senator's state, whether registered to vote or not, should feel free to sign. Either a home address or a box address should suffice. Petitions may be faxed or mailed.

The handling of petitions is a position of trust. The War and Law League does not use and does not condone using the names and addresses of petition signers for a mailing list or for any other purpose besides an expression of opinion to the addressee.

When you do send a petition, enclose a cover letter, something like the following. And please let WALL know about your activity. WALL's e-mail address is warandlaw@yahoo.com.


                                [Your address;

The Hon. [name of senator]
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator [name]:

     The enclosed petition expresses the concern of some of your constituents about the effects of the President's action in terminating a treaty on his own.

     Yours respectfully,

     [Your signature
     Your name printed or typed]