his 2002 State of the Union speech, President George
W. Bush said, "America will always stand firm
for the non-negotiable demands of human dignity."
rule of law" came first on his list. Yet Bush's
efforts to attack and conquer Iraq shatter the rule
of law. Our petition explains. (Read it here. Print
one of the versions by following the instructions

Use the links below
to print the petition. Gather signatures and send
the petition to your state's two senators and your
representative in Congress. (When you do, please let
us know at
There are two ways
to prepare the petition:
Use these links if you have Microsoft Word installed:
and iraq-petition-house.doc
Once you have opened these documents, you will need
to insert the name of the senator or representative
into the line which begins like this: "To the
Hon. [Senator / Rep.] ..."
OR, click this link if you do not
have Microsoft Word:
(This document
is in Adobe PDF format. If the above link doesn't
work, you probably need to install the free Acrobat
Reader software.)
This "PDF" document cannot
be edited, so we have left out the line that addresses
the senator or representative. You can use the petition
as is, or you can hand-write or typewrite the salutation
directly beneath the bold "Affirm the rule
of law!" headline.
In a petition to a U.S. senator, insert
the Hon. [name of senator] , U.S. Senate, Washington,
DC 20510:
In a petition to a U.S. representative,
insert this:
the Hon. [name of representative], U.S. House of
Representatives, Washington, DC 20515:
If you are unable to make your own and
want unsigned petitions preprinted with the name of your
senators or representative, tell WALL (,
giving your name and U.S. mail address, and the petitions
will be mailed to you.
The mailing address for all senators
is the same, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510. The mailing
address for all representatives is the same, U.S. House
of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515.
Only citizens of the United States should
sign the petition.
A petition to a senator should be signed
only by residents of his or her state. A petition to a representative
should be signed only by those who live in his or her congressional
If you do not know who your senators
and representatives are, you can find out using this web
If you plan to petition your state's
two senators, ask each signer to sign both petitions. If
you plan to petition your representative as well, ask each
signer who lives within your congressional district to sign
all three petitions.
Either hand-printing or legible script
is acceptable. Either a home address or a box address should
Petitions should be sent every week
or so by U.S. mail or fax or personal delivery to a local
office of the senator or representative. Bear in mind that
U.S. mail to Congress may be delayed for health inspection.
If you live in California, send the
War and Law League (WALL) your signed petitions addressed
"To the Hon. Barbara Boxer, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC
20510" and "To the Hon. Dianne Feinstein, U.S. Senate, Washington,
DC 20510." We will also accept petitions "To the Hon.
Nancy Pelosi, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington,
DC 20515," signed by her constituents in San Francisco.
Our address is WALL, P.O. Box 42-7237, San Francisco, CA
All other petitions should be sent directly
to the respective senators and representatives.
When you send a petition to a member
of Congress, enclose a cover letter, something like the
The Hon. [name]
U.S. Senate [or U.S. House of Representatives]
Washington, DC 20510 [or 20515]
Dear Senator [or Rep.] [last name]:
The enclosed petition expresses
the concern of [number of signatures] of your constituents.
will sign later.
Respectfully yours,
[Your signature]
[Your name printed or typed]
With subsequent submissions of petition, a letter like
this can be sent:
The Hon. [name]
U.S. Senate [or U.S. House of Representatives]
Washington, DC 20510 [or 20515]
Dear Senator [or Rep.] [last name]:
Since the last submission,
[number] of your constituents have placed their names on
the accompanying petition.
to the [number] signatures sent to you earlier, they bring
the total to [number].
will sign later.
Respectfully yours,
[Your signature]
[Your name printed or typed]
Keep copies of the letters sent, or record the number
of signatures sent, when, and by what media.
And please let us at WALL (
know the figures.
The handling of petitions is a position of trust. The War
and Law League does not use and does not condone using the
names and addresses of petition signers for a mailing list
or for any other purpose besides an expression of opinion
to the addressee.